Dr. Saturday
recently broke down some of the zone-blitzes Utah used against Alabama in their bowl game. It's great analysis; check it out. For a bit more on pass protection and zone-blitzes generally, check out my article
here. Also, Bob Davie
wrote a worthy article for ESPN about zone-blitzes a few years back. Read all that and come back here: I want to highlight a few quick aspects of the most common zone-blitzes or fire zones. I'll have to leave a more in depth discussion for another time.
Below is a diagram of one of Nick Saban's most common zone-blitzes:

This is very typical. One thing Matt did a great job of breaking down with the Utah article was in his discussion of how the Utes crossed up 'Bama's protections. But it's worth noting the constraints the zone-blitz puts on the defense: namely, the number of coverages you can viably use. Occasionally, in the NFL, some teams zone blitz with a mere Cover 2 or two-deep zone behind it. The Ravens get away with this sometimes with Ed Reed, but it is dangerous -- with all your defensive movement you don't get good jams on the receivers and you too often will let receivers run free in the deep voids.
So by far the most common coverage behind a zone-blitz is a three-deep three-under coverage. Obviously, that can leave wide open spots underneath, but that's still part of the zone-blitz philosophy. As some defensive coordinators say, with so much three-deep, it is actually a conservative approach. And it is one reason why zone-blitzes are so common on third down -- defenses get good opportunities to cross up the pass protection while forcing completions to be made underneath where guys can make a quick tackle short of the first down. This is a favorite strategy of Jim Johnson of the Philadelphia Eagles: there's nothing wrong with giving up a five yard completion on third and nine. (Further, most progressions have the quarterback read long-to-short. By taking away long and forcing short the defense gives itself another few moments to get to the quarterback before he can release the ball.)
Below is a video clip (courtesy of
HueyTube) of LSU running basically the zone-blitz diagrammed above.
Chris, great stuff as always. I remember seeing Saban speak at a clinic at Southeastern LA in 2004 (I think) and he really started to confuse the crowd when he got into the nuts and bolts of these fire-zones, since they rely so much on pattern reading and as such can easily get your DE matched up on a fast halfback once all the switching is done. So he started telling us all the calls that have to be made to avoid those things and the coaches went from scribbling furiously to blank stares.
Anyway, one thing I never understood is how the 3-3 zone can really be a sound pass defense. If it is intended, as you say, to allow short passes as a way to get off the field on 3rd and long, fine, but I get the feeling these defenses are being used more often than that. And aside from the problem of allowing several large holes in the undercoverage you have the problem of the holes in the undercoverage aligning with the holes in the contain. Anytime you play (a balanced) zone defense with an even number of players (which, of course, must be the sum of two even numbers or two odd numbers but not one of each), you will have the underneath seams align with the contain-level seams, and run the risk of allowing receivers to run right through the whole defense. Which, I guess, gets you back to the importance of pattern reading when using these schemes, so you end up playing man on the guy in your zone, rather than vanilla zone. But still, how is this coverage not highly vulnerable to a simple seam or switch concept? Thanks.
All I want to say is thank god for this blog.
I am already football starved and this is going to help me get through the off season.
Great work!
Good stuff. However, the LSU clips you show are actually a 5 man pressure package with man coverage and one FS for over the top help.
Love the blog Chris. Mark Whipple is coming back to college football. He is going to be the OC at Miami. Have you heard of him before do you have an idea of what his whip lash offense is that he ran at Umass? In my talk with some coaches he is thought of as a geniuses. Just wondering if you had heard of him before.
Meant genius. Its really late.
AMAZING stuff.
FYI, what turned out to be the winning touchdown in the 2004 BCS National Championship Game (2003 Season) was scored by Marcus Spears floating back into the slant lane in a fire zone.
Chris, have been reading your site since late '07, and appreciate the quality info which provokes much thought! Just reviewed the link provided as a video example of "America's Zone Blitz"(Sam and Mike Blizters/WE DE Drops) 5 Man Pressure, 3-3 Matchup Zone behind it. However, it appears that Utah really lucked out on this one, unless playing 2 underneath/4 deep is a new variation. Chronology of events:
1)-Pre Snap-Ala in 11 Pers, 3x1 weak to Def right, with Shot/RB Strong.
2)-#2 Weak Zooms to 2x2 exterior with #3(RB) still Strong.
3)-Post Snap-#1 Strong(WR)/Vert..#2 Strong(RB)/Flare...#3 Strong(TE)/In Rel, 5yd Curl.
Now, Post Snap, if Utah was supposed to be 3 under/3 deep, Utah did not drop the S down from the Blizer side who's responsible for #2, the free LB did not relate to #3, and the Drop DE was mentally/physically caught between #2 and #3. Can't say I've ever seen anybody play 2under/4deep in Zone Blitz before, but you never know.
However, ss we know, Presuure, whether Real or Perceived, causes hurry in decisions as well as creates doubt in OL. And Utah's Inside Blitzer got there so fast, that Wilson didn't have time to look at Post Snap #2(RB) and see him open.
Thanks for the time...
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