Florida State wide receiver and senior-to-be Corey Surrency's life has taken several twists. As the Orlando Sentinel reports:Surrency dropped out of high school in the ninth grade, he said, to support his family. He served jail time, 90 days, after being charged with various crimes, some felonies. He decided to make something of himself. Earned his diploma. Began playing football. Wound up at a California community college, then at Florida State.
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Before enrolling at Florida State and before enrolling in El Camino Community College, where Surrency played for two seasons, he played with the Florida Kings, a South Florida "minor league" football team that has helped athletes with troubled pasts to earn opportunities to play in college.
Quite the saga. But there's a new twist, and it's the cruelest yet:A little-known NCAA rule has jeopardized his future.
The rule is No. in the NCAA Division I Manuel. It is titled, "Participation After 21st Birthday," and it mandates the following: If an individual participates in an organized sport after his 21st birthday, but before enrolling in college, that participation "shall count as one year of varsity competition in that sport."
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Surrency played with the [minor league] Kings after he had turned 21. Had he not, he might never have had the chance to go to college. Regardless, though, his time with the Kings has cost him his final year of eligibility — at least for now. Florida State is appealing on Surrency's behalf.
If FSU loses the appeal, Surrency's college football career would be over. It's likely, too, that his pursuit of earning a degree in criminal justice — Surrency would become the first member of his family to earn a college degree — would also be over.
The rumor mill is that he is trying out for the UFL. Good luck to him.
I hope the kid keeps it together and gets that degree even if he has to struggle through it on his own....
I won't repeat my prior comments agreeing with the NCAA decision, even though the rule is fair, well-known, and serves a worthwhile purpose.
But I'll add (again) a perspective that there are many kids (and many adults, as Mr. Surrency has been for a *while*) who are from impoverished backgounds and who lack Div I wide-receiver speed and hands. Many of them do not have prior (juvenile) felony convictions. Some did not drop out of high school without receiving a diploma, but many did drop out. None of his academic peers received three years of college with all expenses paid, including room, board, and medical care, unless they joined the military, and even then received only half-scholarships.
Mr. Surrency's athletic skill took him this far. It remains to be seen whether, like his teammate Mr. Rolle, of FSU-Rhodes scholar fame, he will take advantage of his advantages. Either way, he can still play for a living. That's considerably better than camouflaged mountain-climbing in Afghanistan.
Personally I dont see the point of this rule. Yes I can see the logic of not allowing players to play for such leagues. Rather than giving so so players a scholarship coaches could send them to develop in some flag or semi pro league then bring them in 2 years with a full 4 years of eligibility left. But with this not kicking in until 21 that line of reasoning is moot.
There are exceptions to every rule but unfortunately the NCAA does not take into account the idividual cases but as a whole. The NCAA should be ashamed with some of their rulings, this one included.
Dick...errr Richard must be a UF grad.
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